Saturday, December 6, 2008

power pop punk

Oh mang... Drama, I hate to have to write about about it, like I feel so pathetic writing about it. So I'm not. All I'm going to say is, I've never been a dramatic person, and I know everybody says it, but I'm really not and I can only really think of one instance before this about five years ago that I considered an instance of drama in my life. So this makes this situation the second instance of drama in my life ever. Exciting.

So I just listened to this newish pop-punk/power-pop band, We The Kings; they're pretty good. I saw that my Greek friend, Philippia, her brother likes them alot so I thought I would give them a listen. Anyways, they're pretty solid sounding band and their songs sounds very reminiscent to Motion City Soundtrack's, "Everything Is Alright", but they're fun to listen to. They seem to be really appealing to the pop-radio-listening tween girl but then again, what band isn't nowadays. I bet they'd have more "street cred" if they weren't so mainstream, cause they sound pretty legit. And by, "street cred", I mean more credible to the indie-heads or to the snobs who think Blink was the only good ever band in this genre. Whatever. Overall, after listening to a few We The Kings singles, I'd have to say, with they're strong pop melodies, they're really catchy and easy to listen to as long as you don't have any prejudice for mainstream power-pop-punk bands. The only thing I would have to disagree with the band with is the sappy and shallow lyrics, often simplistic and stereotypical. I wonder if they write their own lyrics, or if someone on the label writes it for them. Oh well, the world may never know.

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