Monday, December 22, 2008

Another Blah

I went to the funeral this morning. I waited until everybody tossed their flower onto the casket before I tossed mine. I felt I should let the people who knew him better than I go first. I saw an older woman start to cry as she turned away from the casket; I almost cried too. The kind of empathetic cry where you want to just let all your tears out to give to the family because they used theirs up already. No more father, no more husband, no more grandfather, no more friend, no more boss, no more, no more, no more. His absence weighs me down. I never knew Mr. Berge but I can imagine the emptiness he might leave behind. I say "might", not for the deep down vacancy of his company that he'll surely leave inside his friends and family, but for the comfort of Mr. Berge's existence that is now is gone.

It's going to be rough for the family with him not here, but I feel it's God's way of showing Himself to them and inviting them to Him. I pray that they allow God into their lives and let Him fill in the void of his absence. I'm scared they won't look for God though. I heard somebody say in church today, or last night, "...There's no comfort like Jesus." The family can either wallow in the void of that comfort and sink or satisfy their hearts with the Holy Spirit.

Ugh, I don't even know if any of this makes sense, but I'm happy Mr. Berge is with God now, and I know it comforts his family as well. I'll be praying for them.

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