Friday, December 5, 2008

I wish I could crump

OK, so I don't really know what to write about, but I felt that I should anyways. Hmmm, so last night at work, I worked with house manager, Jill. She's mad cool; I think the way i would describe her is a independent, laid-back, twenty-something "Maryhaven Veteran, of nine years" who knows the ropes. I think the term, "young at heart" would describe attitude and demeanor. Coincidentally, she graduated from Rocky Point nine years before me. Also my dad knows her dad, as he is head of maintenance at Performing Art DayHab where my dad works. And it doesn't end there, Nick, her younger brother graduated a year ahead of me and him and I played tennis together in junior high. Small world after all. Anyways I felt so sick at work last night, good thing work was really uneventful and all the individuals were chill. Jill and I took the individuals to see Christmas lights, so I suggested that we go to, "The House With the Dancing Lights on Elm Street." So we went there, that was like my third of fourth night in-a-row seeing that house. The we picked up pizza from Pompei Pizza and fed everybody at the house then put them to bed. I tried studying but couldn't focus, so I just ended up watching tv until my shift was over. Jill just did some paperwork, smoked cigarettes, texted, and watched with me. When my shift was over, Frank took over and I left. I drove really slowly home though cause it was raining and Frank said there was alot of deer out on the road, I didn't see any though. When I got home, I said goodnight to my parents, took two Tylenols, and called Tori. Then I watched some tv. I felt better as soon as i took the medicine.

In morning, Tori called me and we talked for a little bit. I got up and watched this movie on the BET channel called RIZE, it was a documentary about crump dancing. I only saw the second half of it but it was really good. I highly recommend it. I wish I could crump. Now I'm listening to Elliott Smith, I also highly recommend him. I'd have to say that songs I'd most recommend you listen to is: "Needle in the Hay"; "Thirteen", a Big Star cover; "Say Yes"; and "Baby Britain". There's a whole plethora of songs I would recommend but those are the ones that come ti mind right now.

I got pulled over yesterday. It was such a minor occurrence that I keep on forgetting to mention it. So far I only told Jill and Tori, but I forgot to tell my dad. He pulled me over because one of my headlights was out. No big deal. When I go over Matt's later, I'll try and replace it. Matt's band, Seas of Refuge, is playing at the Longwood talent show tonight. They're playing Pacabel's Canon in D. But the metal version. They sound alright, I'm sure it'll be a big hit. I'm sitting with this girl Kim, who's pretty cool and so far looks like the best candidate for the "Matt's Girlfriend" title. We'll see though.

Ugh, I was hoping to be able to hang out with Matt before the show, but I don't think I'll be able to. Oh man, I just found a video of Jackson Browne covering the Nico song, "These Days". Good song, good cover.

Actually, I just searched the song on Wikipedia, and interestingly, "these Days" was written by Jackson Browne, at the young age of 16, and principally recorded by Nico. I should to listen to more Jackson Browne.

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