Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Just wanted to say, I have made amends with my Lord and with myself since this morning. Thank you Jesus, for carrying my burdens and filling me with peace and thank you Tori for always being patient with me and always supporting me.

Today has been really amazing. It has been a roller coaster of emotion and spirit. From the time this morning when I was at my lowest, groveling on the ground, lost and searching for the way, to tonight where God illuminated the path for me, showing His abounding love. Not only did He direct me to my destination but he also put me in a situation where I was ministering to another who is lost and searching. Ugh, there is so much to write about, but I don't think I will. If you want to know what I'm talking about, you can just ask me in person. I think I'll try and talk to Pastor Mark tomorrow in between classes because I really need to catch up with him and I really want to just share this experience with him.

Once again, thank you Jesus and thank you to all my friends who helped me, especially Philippia.

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