Monday, December 8, 2008


Ok, I have a lot of work to do, so I have to make this a quick entry. Though I wish i could dedicate more time to write because I really feel like writing. Ugh, this is slightly disappointing.

I went to Young Life tonight, it was a lot of fun and the leader, Glenn, is a super cool dude. I really look up to him a lot, I barely know him and have barely spent anytime with him but from what I've seen of him, he has really impressed me. Not the show-off kind of impression where you wish you could do whatever trick that person did, but the kind of impression where it really impacts your life and makes you think a lot about yourself. He's really filled with the Holy Spirit and it really shows. I'm proud of him. I want to talk to him about volunteering at Young Life, it's something I'd really like to do once I get better situated. He's given me his phone number but I have yet to call him. If I had to describe Glenn in one word it would have to be "solid". Not the physical kind of solid where you think of muscular or anything like that, but the deeper kind of solid where it's more of a spiritual strength, dependable and wise.

Glenn, thanks for being a righteous leader; we are always in need of them.

After Young Life, I packed a bunch of kids into my car, more than the car's official limit, and made our way to the local Taco Bell. Some other kids from YL showed up too. Anyways, this kid, Connor (I'm not sure if that's the way he spells it), and the table he's sitting at gets into this argument about dating. I don't have time to expound on the conversation but what he basically said was that he does and doesn't believe in dating. He believes in what it should be but not what it has become. He believes that you should only date after knowing somebody for a long time and getting to know them, because you should be attracted to their emotional and personal qualities first and their physical qualities second. He didn't like how the people today based their relationships on physical characteristics first and then the more important things second. Interesting, I never really thought of that but I really liked what he was saying. Ugh, I wish I could go into more detail but I have a speech presentation I have to prepare for. Hopefully, I'll have another opportunity to expand Connor's philosophy. He seems like a really smart dude.

Connor, thanks for making me think.

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