Sunday, December 21, 2008


I don't know why but I just haven't been in the mood to write lately. A lot of things has happened in the past couple weeks, but i just feel so unmotivated. I think I've just been to distracted and unfocused to really engage the creative motors in me. Maybe I was just distracted with the semester ending and all. Maybe I've just been lazy. I don't know.

But now that I've actually initiated writing again, it feels good and I like it. So much has happened in the past few days that I don't really feel like getting into it. But one major event that has occurred that I must mention is the passing away of Mr. Berge. I've prayed continuously for God to give the family strength and that He would be seen and glorified through all of this. I go to the funeral in the morning.

Another tidbit of information that I feel is necessary to share with you. Chris shaved my hair into a fat mohawk; I believe the correct term for this particular situation is "gnarly". We did it in his bathroom, unfortunately, it isn't totally finished yet due to a time constraint. It still needs to get cleaned up a bit and maybe shaped up a little bit more, hopefully we'll be able to do that sometime soon this week.

Just before Nanay came into the room and asked me if I thought it looked good. When I replied with a "yes", she quickly left the room, too upset to stand the sight of me and my new radical hair style. She then reappeared a moments later with tears welling up in her eyes, asking who cut my hair? She then told me it was "an experience to learn from", and that she was scared i was becoming "wild". She also mentioned I looked like a punk. I was going to reply with something along the lines of "I am a punk(ass), Nanay!" or, "Punks are cool!", but I didn't cause I knew it would just break her frail little heart.

I've been writing some cool new guitar riffs. They're simplistic and catchy, not in the power pop punk sense, but more in a, "punk-influenced alternative-rock", kind of sound. (I hope I used correct grammar.) I want to start writing more music. I've been listening to Death Cab for Cutie's latest album, "Narrow Stairs" a lot recently. It's an awesome album, and it's been really inspriring to me, msuic-wise. I highly recommend you listen to it.

OK, I'm done for the night. My writing is a mess but at least I wrote. Goodnight.

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