Thursday, December 4, 2008


My mom is watching it. It's a cool show. Kristen Bell is in it, she's good looking. Anyways, driving home from school, I've seen some pretty funny/strange things, especially on the backs of vehicles I drive behind. One time, awhile back, I saw a license plate that said EDNORTON. It had a Jesus fish, and right beside it was a Darwinism fish, and there were other assorted car decorations adorning the rear as well. And today, I saw a license plate that sai YNGWIE M. For those of you who don't know who Yngwie Malmsteen is I've attached a picture, but I'll leave his background to you and wikipedia. Why somebody would glorify this man through their license plate? I don't know, I mean I can understand Ed Norton, he's one cool dude, but why Yngwie. Why don't I have a camera with me in my car to capture these amazing license plates? I don't know. Why nobody else is in the car with to experience these rear bumpers with me first-hand? I don't know.
Enough of me ranting about the backs of cars, I'm starting to feel sick. And I have to go into work later, around five. Unfortunately, my place of work is just a breeding ground for bacteria and other nasty things. The mentally disabled often have trouble maintaining acceptable hygiene, and as a result, the house often becomes a threshold for monsters of the micro-organism nature. Another unfortunate thing is I forgot I had work yesterday and told two of my friends to come hang with me around five, thus coinciding with the start of my scheduled shift. Poop, a word to describe my situation also something I might have to wipe tonight. Maybe I'll take some medicine before I go to work.
You know who I've been really digging and listening to lately? Brand New. Prior to my liking of them, I always would disregard and discard them as a cheesy powerpop band that mall metal girls would listen to. But much to my dismay, they're actually really awesome and talented. I don't know how I would describe them though, they're kind of like post-hardcore influenced alternative rock. You know what I just realized? I hate having to categorize music. I mean, describing music is fine but there is really no need to categorize music to such specifity where the genre of music you categorizing contains three or more different genres to describe that one kind of music.
Anways, Tori got me listening to Brand New. She doesn't really listen to them anymore but when she told she used to, I gave them a good listen. She sent me their Deja Entendu album, which seems to be well-accepted by critics and fans. At first I didn't really find anything that appealing to listen to, but the more and more ear they got, the more I started liking them. Good instrumentals, catchy and mildly technical. Their chord progressions in some songs like Jaws Theme Song is pretty unconventional, and the lyrics are pretty good too, even though they often revolve around the relationships of girls and their decietful boyfriends.
Ok, so after posting a few blog entries, I've really inspected my writing style. I don't really know what to think of it. I wonder if anybody besides Tori has read any of this... I just feel like the person you might percieve through my writings isn't who I really am. Maybe it's just cause I'm in a weird mood that I'm writing like this. I just think I might sound kind of bratty or snobby in what I write sometimes. An acronym to describe me perfectly would be "IDK".
If you ever get the chance, check out some of my more poetry-oriented material. I'm not very good, the way I look at it is just a way for me to practice my writing. Practice honesty and love and introspection.
I just feel super blah. No words to describe my emotions. No words except "blah." Maybe because Tori left this morning and I feel like I have nobody to talk to right now, or maybe it's because I'm a little depressed because my life is such a jumble.
My dad came in here a few moments ago asking how school was. I told him "fine." "Fine" really meaning "I don't know, I'm probably going to fail Anatomy and Physiology, and I'm really struggling with it right now." I also mentioned I was doing good in all my other classes except A&P, he asked me if I was failing. I answered "I don't know." "I don't know" really meaning "Yes, I am and I'm sorry for messing up. I'll do better next time, I promise." He then went on about at least getting a C, and failing would be blahblahblah.
God show me the path. Convict and humble my heart. Jesus forgive me of my sins. I continually fall, please strengthen me. Thank you.
Well now, I'm off to work.
PS. I didn't really miss Tori before, when I said goodbye to her this morning, but now I really whish i coud talk to her and see her beautiful face. She always lifts my spirits. I just wish I could talk to her. I hope she remembers to read my entries while she's away.

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